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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chick’s Nest #2 – Is it hot in here or is it just you?

(Disclaimer: Don't EVER repeat the title of this post in mixed company!! Only under the narrowest circumstances can a guy pull this one off so appreciate the joke and use a few more natural opening lines at the event!)

Toward the end of most months, the Diablo Glass School in Roxbury invites the public to observe artists while sipping wine and enjoying light snacks. Their next event is the Saturday over Thanksgiving weekend so, if you're interested, sign up soon.

Your Resident Chick went to a DSG Wine and Cheese a few months back and noticed that it was a prime location for men to meet women. On those Saturday evenings when you plan a happy hour anyway, at the DSG you get to expand your artistic horizons, drink wine, eat cheese and meat, and be in a group of 60 or fewer people made up of, on average, 70 percent women! I asked the event coordinator and he said that the wine and cheese nights were interesting because, although men are primarily students at the school, the attendees are mostly women every month. He couldn't really explain why. I'm not sure that why really matters.

Like my recommendations up to this point, this event affords you the opportunity to not only stack the numerical odds in your favor, but it also gives you built in conversation topics with the women who surround you. When I went, the group sat in the giant kiln room watching a team putting together some sort of pitcher. Their plan was to make an intricately detailed piece right in front of our eyes. The W&C group instantly bonded when, in a blink of an eye, the piece shattered. Everyone spontaneously broke out in to conversation because everyone was invested in its success, disappointed with its failure, and eager to share the shock of the piece's demise. In other parts of the school (there is a small piece area with a little torch and a flats area for stained glass and fused glass demos) W&C attendees got to touch and comment on the pieces and ask questions of the demo artists. It's really difficult not to connect with fellow attendees in this situation. Essentially, the conversation makes itself.

One last point about these events is that the location is ripe for extended connections. Why? Because it's on a sort of dreary side street off of the T. I'm pretty sure that there is a chop shop across the street. Even if I miscategorized it, I can GUARANTEE that most women will not feel totally safe walking through the neighborhood, particularly at night. Why is this good for you? Female attendees who meet normal, non-threatening men at the event will probably appreciate a guy with whom she/they can walk to the T or grab a ride to the evening's later destination. Play the hero and instantly relate with the women you meet.

Happy booze and molten glass!

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